Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Picton Town Hall Farmers Market, hereinafter referred to as "PTHFM."
Article II: Objectives and Purpose
The objectives and purpose of PTHFM shall be:
Community-Centric and Resilient Approach: Prioritizing the needs of Prince Edward County residents and fostering local resilience, we ensure the market remains a vital resource for fresh, local produce that enhances well-being.
Cultural and Culinary Harmony: Embracing our cultural history while adding new traditions, we celebrate the diverse flavours and traditions of Prince Edward County, fostering a vibrant blend of old and new within our community.
Environmental Stewardship: Dedicated to sustainability, we champion eco-friendly practices to preserve the unique agricultural landscape of Prince Edward County, ensuring a greener, healthier future for generations to come.
Quality Commitment: We uphold a standard of excellence, curating a market that prioritizes high-quality, locally sourced products. From fresh produce to artisanal goods, our commitment to quality enhances the overall market experience for residents.
Article III: Membership
Membership in PTHFM is open to local farmers, artisans, and vendors who meet the criteria established by PTHFM's governing body.
Members are required to adhere to PTHFM's rules and regulations, including product quality, environmental standards, and ethical practices.
Article IV: Governance
PTHFM shall be governed by a Board of Directors, elected by the members, consisting of, but not limited to FIVE members.
The Board shall be responsible for decision-making, policy development, and the overall management of PTHFM.
Board members shall serve a term of one year and may be re-elected for consecutive terms.
Article V: Meetings
Regular meetings of the PTHFM Board of Directors shall be held bi-monthly, (six annual meetings).
Annual General Meeting will be held once a year, before the opening of the PTHFM, date to be agreed upon by the Board.
Special meetings may be called by the Board or upon the request of three-quarters of the members.
Article VI: Finances
PTHFM shall maintain accurate financial records via a transparent financial system, or third party licensed ACCOUNTING FIRM.
Article VII: Amendments
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a regular or special meeting.
Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Board at least one month before the meeting at which they will be considered.
Article VIII: Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets after the settlement of debts and liabilities shall be distributed to PLEASE RECOMMEND AN ORG OR CHARITY TO INCLUDE.
Article IX: Ratification
This constitution shall come into effect upon ratification by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting called for this purpose.
This Constitution shall come into effect when approved by a majority of the Board of Directors of the PTHFM.
Passed by the Board of Management on this day Date
Confirmed by the Members on this day Date
Article I: Membership Criteria
Eligibility for membership in PTHFM shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Members must pay annual dues, the amount of which shall be determined by the Board.
Article II: Board of Directors
Board of Directors and sub-committee work is on a volunteer basis. Neither Board members nor sub-committee members or their relatives can receive payment for work related to the PTHFM or its sub-committees apart from budgeted and receipted expenses for materials.
The Board shall consist of Minimum FIVE, maximum SEVEN members, elected by the members of PTHFM.
The Board shall meet every two months to discuss and make decisions regarding PTHFM's operations.
In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the remaining members may appoint a replacement until the next regular election to be held at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Article III: Officers
The officers of PTHFM shall include a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Officers shall be elected by the Board from among its members.
Officers shall serve a term of one year and may be re-elected.
Article IV: Duties of Officers
Chairperson: Preside over meetings, represent PTHFM in official capacities, has bank account signing authority.
Vice Chairperson: Assume the Chairperson’s duties in their absence and assist in various tasks.
Secretary: Keep minutes of meetings, maintain records, and handle correspondence between members.
Treasurer: Oversee financial matters, prepare budgets, and present financial reports to the Board.
Article V: Meetings
Regular meetings of PTHFM shall be held every two months.
Special meetings may be called by the Board or upon the request of three-quarters of the members.
Notice of meetings and agendas shall be provided in advance to all members.
Article VI: Committees
Establishing committees and appointing representatives to those committees as required to deal with issues identified by the Board or as requested by PTHFM Membership
committees help the Board to plan and administer approved initiatives, projects or to examine specific areas of concern.
Sub-committees propose initiatives and suggest expenditures for approval by the Board. Sub-committees have no independent financial standing and must submit estimated project budgets and basic income and expense reports to the Board. Similarly, if sub-committees contract out work related to their activities the Board must approve the expense and those employed.
Article VII: Vendor Guidelines
Vendors must comply with Market rules and regulations.
The Board shall establish criteria for the types of products allowed and vendor conduct.
Article VIII: Finances
The Treasurer shall manage PTHFM's finances.
Financial records shall be made available for inspection by members upon request.
Article IX: Amendments to By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended by a majority vote of the Board.
Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing at least one month before a meeting.
Article X: Dissolution of Committees
Committees may be dissolved by a majority vote of the Board.
Article XI: Ratification
These by-laws shall come into effect upon approval by a majority vote of the Board.
These by-laws shall come into effect when approved by a majority of the Board of Directors of the PTHFM.
Passed by the Board of Management on this day Date
Confirmed by the Members on this day Date